1. Start  /  
  2. About us  /  
  3. Values

We base our company and our daily work on firm principles. We have values and stand up for a free and democratic society. For only on this ground can a diverse media landscape exist that ensures people have access to reliable information; this also includes high-quality specialist media that provide those responsible in the business world with a basis for their decisions. Our most important asset as a media company is credibility. That is why we focus on transparency – both externally and internally. We break down silos, we network, we learn from each other. Every day.

Peter Esser ist Sprecher der Geschäftsführung der dfv Mediengruppe.© Mario Drescher

Our media brands stand for ...

... deep market knowledge, outstanding commitment, and excellent journalistic quality. This is and remains the basis for our success.

Peter Esser

Spokesman of the Executive Board

Principles of Publication

Our work is based on seven Principles of Publication. They shape our self-image as "Qualitätsmacher:innen" and unite us in our diversity. We all live them every day. 



Preamble: What moves us 


The dfv media group offers relevant and reliable specialist information for people that bear responsibility within their companies. Our journalists process that raw material derived from knowledge society in a superior quality. They supply news and investigate background aspects. People come together on our platforms, exchanging ideas, establishing contacts and initiating business relationships. 


We work at their side, supporting them in the capacity of constructive and critical guides. Integrity, credibility and fairness constitute the foundation of trust which links us with readers, advertising customers and business partners. While our publications are very diverse, together we stand up for the principles of a social and ecological market economy. We are convinced that an open and democratic society in which media operate independently and freely is the prerequisite for economic success and individual well-being of people.

Information is our passion

We provide our readers with reliable information. We do not merely scratch the surface; we conduct in-depth research. We are familiar with the circumstances and participating individuals that we write about. We are guided by high professional standards. That also encompasses correct details and accuracy.

Our opinion is founded on arguments

Our journalists word their opinions autonomously – sometimes weighing carefully, sometimes decisively, but always on the basis of facts and arguments as well as a clear underlying position. Our objective is to encourage and promote debate with our comments and editorials. We respect other opinions and give them room in our publications.

We are independent

The dfv media group is a family-owned company that is independent of any corporate group. Our journalistic and economic autonomy ensures we are free of external influences. Our journalists are committed to their media brands and their readers – and under no obligation to anyone else. They accept commissions and instructions exclusively from the chief editors and other superiors in their editorial offices.

We create community

Our communication is not a one-way street. We conduct dialogues on an equal footing with responsible individuals at companies and associations; we serve as the discussion platform and future laboratory of the industries for which our media work. We want the people for whom we produce media to be successful. We support them – also by means of criticism and error analysis.

We facilitate discriminating specialised journalism

We supply our editorial offices with human resources and technical infrastructure, thus enabling high-level specialised journalism. Advertising marketing, sales revenue and turnover from events are the essential mainstays which finance our journalistic activities. In our media, it is invariably clear what content is of an editorial nature and what content is of a promotional nature. The Code of Conduct of the German Press Council is a binding guideline for our work.

Our journalism is constructive

We feel committed to constructive specialised journalism. We do not limit ourselves to pointing out problems; we also present possible approaches to solutions. In that regard, we work as transparently as possible without ever revealing confidential journalistic sources.

We want equal opportunities for all

We advocate equal opportunities for people in all areas of life, including the work world and our own company as well – irrespective of sex, sexual identity and orientation, age, skin colour, origin and religion. Discrimination, racism, extremism and anti-Semitism have no place in our media and on our podiums. Respectful co-existence and open, even controversial discussions regarding specific issues are not a contradiction; they are mutually dependent.

Sönke Reimers  ist Sprecher der Geschäftsführung der dfv Mediengruppe.© Katrin Binner

The claim that what we do ...

... is to make a significant contribution to the success of the market, the economy, and society, is what drives us every day.

Sönke Reimers

Spokesman of the Executive Board

Die Fachmedien der dfv Mediengruppe decken viele verschiedene Branchen ab.

Media Policy Principles - Preamble

A free and democratic society needs politically and economically independent media. A diverse media landscape ensures that people have access to reliable information; this also includes high-quality specialist media which provide those...

Unserer Marketing-Kolleginnen und -Kollegen unterstützen die Sales Units mit Kampagnen, planen Promo-Touren und Messeauftritte setzen diese um und analysieren den Erfolg mit genauen Reportings.

Freedom of communication instead of advertising bans

Those who offer legal goods and services should also be allowed to advertise them. Advertising bans restrict professional freedom and freedom of expression. They are not a permissible means of achieving political...

Informationsangebote, die mit öffentlichen Mitteln finanziert werden, dürfen nicht in Konkurrenz zu den journalistisch geprägten Anbietern treten.

For a right that ensures fair competition

Progressive digitisation is permanently changing competition in the media industry. We see digitisation and the accompanying change as a great opportunity for traditional media companies as well. However, in order to be...

Marktdominante Plattformen dürfen ihre Macht nicht missbrauchen und Wettbewerber darunter Medienanbieter bei der Distribution von Inhalten und Präsentation werblicher Formate nicht diskriminieren.

No discrimination by tech platforms

A few international tech-based communication platforms dominate the digital world order. They have given people new access to information and opened up new opportunities for advertisers to reach their customers. Google, Facebook,...

Die Leistungen von Urhebern und Verlagen bedürfen eines angemessenen Schutzes und einer angemessenen Vergütung, insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Nutzung ihrer Inhalte im digitalen Kontext.

Appropriate protection for authors and publishers

The services of authors and publishers require appropriate protection and remuneration, especially with regard to the use of their content in the digital context. We expressly welcome the developments regarding ancillary copyright...

Eine staatliche Subventionierung von Medien lehnen wir ab.

No subsidies; press subsidies only as an exception

Journalistic and economic independence of media go hand in hand. One of the strengths of our media companies is that they self-confidently forego state subsidies. There is a direct path from financial...


We are committed to a diverse corporate culture and differentiated reporting. Everyone sees the world through different eyes. This is an opportunity that all publishers should seize.

We want equal opportunities for all. We are also committed to this in our Principles of Publication.

We are signatories to the "Charta der Vielfalt" (Diversity Charter). We are committed to recognition, appreciation, inclusion, and respect in German corporate culture.


Wir beim dfv setzen uns für eine diverse Unternehmenskultur ein.
Die dfv Mediengruppe ist Unterzeichner der Charta der Vielfalt.

50 nations, 25 languages ... and 1 team

We are proud of the diversity of our employees' personalities, languages, and nations. The unifying element is the goal, as #Qualitätsmacher:innen, to make our readers and customers more successful professionally with our offers.

We are creative together

Our "Wall of all" was created at the 2022 summer party: all colleagues who felt like it were able to design part of the picture. This resulted in a total work of art from many individual works of art, which now hangs in the canteen at our headquarters in Frankfurt.

Meike Buchholz

Managing Director of dfv Euro Finance Group (dfv EFG)
From internship to the boardroom


Meike Buchholz was appointed Managing Director of dfv Euro Finance Group at the age of 30. Together with Andreas G. Scholz, who chairs the management board, she has been heading the wholly owned subsidiary of dfv media group since the beginning of 2023.


Meike started working at dfv Euro Finance Group in 2016. At that time, she joined the company as an intern directly after her studies. She then passed through a wide variety of stations in event management, proved herself in numerous projects, continuously expanded her area of responsibility, and finally received procuration and personnel responsibility in 2020.

Meike Buchholz wurde mit 30 Jahren zur Geschäftsführerin der dfv Euro Finance Group.© Till Kraus

Three questions for Meike Buchholz

Meike, you were appointed to the management board of dfv EFG at the age of only 30. What were the most important milestones in your career?

Basically, I would always associate it with the times when I decided to take on more responsibility. If I saw the potential to take on personal responsibility in a project or process, I did so – for example, I completely took over the logistics and technology for the EURO FINANCE WEEK. I was also aware that I was now making decisions that had consequences for the entire company, both in monetary and qualitative terms. I think it was also important that I did not shy away from taking on personnel responsibility. You face a particular challenge when you take on this responsibility within your own company: Colleagues then become employees, and you have to manage to convince them of your leadership qualities once again. You have to make them perceive you differently without damaging trust. Another important point in my career was when I was given procuration for our company. That motivated me a lot and I realized that this is exactly the right path for me: I don't just want to enrich a company, I want to manage it – with all the consequences.

The dfv Euro Finance Group is one of the most important organizers of events in the financial sector, where men clearly dominate. Is there any advice you can give to women who work in such an environment?

For me, as an employee and supervisor, the following applies: performance is rewarded, regardless of gender, but also especially regardless of age. Those who are technically adept and impress with their performance will ultimately come out on top in terms of arguments. In order for these arguments to be heard, however, you sometimes have to rise above – you should develop a certain self-confidence, sometimes stand above things and trust that your professional arguments will win out in the end. And you should also be able to present them eloquently – or even dare to present them at all.

To what extent do you see yourself as a role model for women at the start of their careers?

Of course, being a woman in a management position has a certain external impact. Simply because such careers are still rare. Some people associate such careers with a certain toughness, with struggling through the ranks. In fact, in my case it's simply that I really enjoy my work and my achievements have always been seen and encouraged. I believe that you have to develop your own style over the course of your career. For me, this means finding the right balance between leadership and freedom, being balanced yet bold, approachable yet professional. And when people experience this style and then decide for themselves that this is a role model for them, I am of course delighted.


We understand sustainability in its entire ecological, economic, and social scope. Each dimension is important in terms of sustainable development. As an independent media company, we are committed to freedom of the press as the basis of a liberal democratic society.


We attach great importance to providing a good working environment for our employees and are strongly committed to promoting young talent.


Der verantwortungsvolle Umgang mit natürlichen Ressourcen ist uns bei der dfv Mediengruppe wichtig.© Ann-Kristin Porst

The responsible use of natural resources is important to us. As a media company, paper remains indispensable to us even in the age of increasing digitization. That is why we treat the natural resource from which it is made responsibly. Only wood from demonstrably well-managed and credibly certified forestry is used. Many paper grades are therefore "FSC Certified".

Around 60 percent of the paper we use is recycled paper. For high-circulation titles such as Lebensmittel Zeitung, HORIZONT and ahgz, we use "Steinbeis Silk" - a 100 percent recycled paper grade that is also produced entirely without harmful chemicals and bleaching agents and has been awarded the German "Blauer Engel" eco-label. The printing is done with ecologically well degradable inks.

The dfv media group is also committed to environmentally friendly behavior in other areas: For example, our employees are given the opportunity to purchase a job bike. The proportion of electric cars in the company car fleet is being steadily expanded. These cars already charge on the publishing site with electricity that is predominantly sourced from renewable energy sources. Most business trips are made by train. We always assess new office equipment in terms of sustainability before purchasing it. All notebooks in use are part of a life cycle management program with CHG Meridian AG. The green areas of our publishing site are irrigated with rainwater collected in a catch basin.

Leadership Culture

In the film series "Modern Leader" we use the examples of four colleagues to portray the understanding of leadership that is lived out at dfv and that essentially shapes the entire culture of our company. After all, how managers understand and live out their role forms the framework for cooperation in any company.

Andreas Schröder

Andreas Schröder started his career as a digital & print media trainee at dfv media group. In the film, he talks about how important it is to him to involve his team, to make goals transparent, and to bring everyone along with him. Working together as colleagues, supporting each other, responding to each other – at eye level. Andreas also brings this basic understanding of dealing with one another to the company sports group he founded, which you can see sweating every Tuesday evening at our company.

Larissa Weightman

Larissa Weightman encourages young colleagues in particular to state clearly where they want to go. Those who are ready to take on leadership responsibility should make that clear. Of course, circumstances change over the course of a career, especially when there is an impending addition to the family or when other constellations change. There are many examples that show that we at dfv are well on the way to reconciling work, career, and family. Larissa certainly shows that it can be done.

Halit Citaku

Halit Citaku leads a team of four and at the same time is always at the forefront himself when it comes to tackling something. Often in the truest sense of the word. Of course, managers have different tasks than specialists due to their personnel responsibility. But leadership works best when you know what you're talking about; when you yourself are familiar with the tasks that are the responsibility of the department. Then you are credible, and credibility is essential for good leaders.

Mandy Schamber

Intrinsically motivated, she gets involved in a wide variety of projects and consistently pursues her - often self-imposed - goals. She always takes her team - and colleagues from across the company - with her. She networks and creates platforms for exchange. With her enthusiasm, she creates new enthusiasm.


In der Videoreihe 1 Minute – 1 Topic erzählen dfv Mitarbeitende von ihren Projekten.

1 Minute 1 Topic

In our internal format 1 Minute – 1 Topic, employees talk about a current project that is currently on their desk.

AI consultation

dfv employees are shown how they can make the best use of AI applications. Open questions on the topic of AI are discussed here. There are also insights into dfv's internal AI projects.

Facts & Figures

Mit einer großen Anzahl an Fachmedien versorgen wir die Entscheiderinnen und Entscheider relevanter Branchen mit Informationen.

Over 100

With over 100 specialist publications, the dfv media group offers a unique range of publications.

Die dfv Mediengruppe verfügt über eine der größten Wirtschaftsredaktionen Deutschlands.

Around 340

of the total 900 employees work in the Editorial Department. Together, they form the largest business editorial team in the German-speaking world.

Die Fachmedien der dfv Mediengruppe decken viele verschiedene Branchen ab.

A total of 17

industries are covered by the dfv media group's publishing portfolio. This makes us the business media company with the broadest range of industries.