Specialist books

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We ensure a head start in knowledge

Relevant content – based on well-founded research and tailored to target groups: the portfolio of the dfv media group, which includes several specialist publishing companies, encompasses a large number of up-to-date specialist book titles. We currently have a total of 380 specialist book titles in our portfolio. Every year, we publish 20 new titles.

Die dfv Mediengruppe hat aktuell insgesamt 400 Fachbuchtitel im Portfolio.


We currently have a total of 380 specialist book titles in our portfolio.


Every year, we publish 20 new titles.

Our range of specialist books

dfv Fachbuch

The "dfv Fachbuch" section includes management and practical knowledge for the textile industry and the meat-processing industry, as well as for the retail trade & FMCG and hotel & catering segments.


Fachmedien Recht und Wirtschaft

The book programme of "Recht & Wirtschaft" includes titles in print and digital form, especially from the areas of commercial and capital market law, data protection, media and telecommunications law, labour law and compliance. The commentaries, handbooks, and monographs include numerous renowned standard works.


LZ direkt Lernwelt

Knowledge for everyone in the retail food industry: The LZ direkt Lernwelt Shop offers specialist books, brochures, and e-learning offers on the subject of retailing. According to the motto "Know more, sell better", you will find, among other things, commercial basics, sales tips and merchandise knowledge.


Caroline Schauwienold ist Projektleiterin dfv Fachbuch bei der dfv Mediengruppe.© Peter Schauwienold

Detailed market knowledge …

... and high journalistic quality: this is what separates and distinguishes the specialist books of the dfv media group!

Caroline Schauwienold,

Project Manager dfv Fachbuch

Our books for your success
